Join Us for the Bake of Chappelle and the Opening of the New Frieda Hiller Park
September 14th at 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Who has the tastiest cinnamon baked good? Experience the excitement as professional and home bakers compete for prizes and culinary glory. Visit our Sales Centre and Show Homes to discover what our builders have to offer. While you're there, purchase a ticket for $5 to sample these delicious treats and vote for your favourite! All funds raised will support the winner’s charity of choice! Directions to the Sales Centre
AND celebrate our new park opening with 3 live musical performances, food trucks, and hop on our carriage to travel between the show home tasting stations and the new park!
Come explore Edmonton's Best Community.
Bake of Chappelle is proudly co-hosted with the Chappelle Gardens Residents Association